Saturday, February 11, 2012


What? 2 post back to back?what wrong with me?
i guess i'm suffer from exam fever...ok well just bare with me
this is my lovely adik, adib @ we also call him qadib, khairul azam (ceh ceh berangan jd mcm dlm cter KCB)
and lot more name...
this year , he is in standard sweet kan
from hisap botol susu, pakai pampers, ade bantal busuk,
now perut buncit, a little bit ketot (hehe jgn mara ye adib, nnt xensem) and he's going to proper school..
how time flies...
although die ni degil gila tp nak buat mcm mane, anak bongsu kan, so kena la beralah ckit..
but mostly i just like to pick a fight with him...suit him .much better than i go around and pampering his ass...
biar jadi jantan ckit...bak kata aku la...

well i really miss him here, and the rest of my family..
hope they doing just fine
and not to forget my arwah atuk, who recently passed away on 27 jan 2012...
may his soul rest in peace

isn't him adorabl in this pinkish  cloth??

exam fever

it been a long time since my last entry...hrmmm what can i say, i'm a lazy person
but suddenly i feel so eager to write this post..i wonder why...
maybe guilt, nervous, stress have been pilled up so high in me that i really really need to  let it go for sure...
i don't know how to express my feeling ...u can assume me as like a good child...
never do anything stupid or crazy enough to satify myself...
i just don't know how...
maybe i've been raised like that...

yah yah...enough la for today...feel much happy now ...tehee..
anyway my exam just around the corner..1 week to go...
tons of note not being cover i feel really stupid for all those time i've wasted doing useless thing...
may all be good and smooth for me and my friend during the exam
hopefully i will manage to answer the questions.....

SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI MAULIDUR RASUL (wlpon dah seminggu berlalu)..
together we follow and continue all his sunnah ..
selawat and salam to our beloved prophet,muhammad swt

Monday, November 28, 2011

salam maal hijrah :)

Sungguhpun maal hijrah telah hampir 2 hari berlalu, tetapi aku tetap mahu mengucapkan selamat tahun baru Islam to all my brothers and sisters..may this new year be more meaningful and we become close to Allah.....ok ok enough with the speech Fatin..sorry la guys sebab I dah lame xupdate..bukan ape sejak naik 2 nd year ni, busy nya bukan main...Haha tipu la sgtkan..padahal last week bru g main bowling.. papepun just wanna to tell here that after this I may not be updating my blog for a very long period..but invade I post juga so korang layan je...Haha..bajet mcm ade org bce je blog ni..

K la keluar dulu..*sopan

salam maal hijrah :)

Sungguhpun maal hijrah telah hampir 2 hari berlalu, tetapi aku tetap mahu mengucapkan selamat tahun baru Islam to all my brothers and sisters..may this new year be more meaningful and we become close to Allah.....ok ok enough with the speech Fatin..sorry la guys sebab I dah lame xupdate..bukan ape sejak naik 2 nd year ni, busy nya bukan main...Haha tipu la sgtkan..padahal last week bru g main bowling.. papepun just wanna to tell here that after this I may not be updating my blog for a very long period..but invade I post juga so korang layan je...Haha..bajet mcm ade org bce je blog ni..

K la keluar dulu..*sopan

Thursday, October 6, 2011

kerja gila~~

ini kelmarin punya cerita ye kawan2
malas nak lepak bilik dora

lawa x kuku saya??

1st tyme ni pakai
dora sudah berjaya mempengaruhi ak..
hahaha...selamba je lambak botol revlon atas katil

saya join kelas khat..tempahan dibuka sekarang

ini cerita lain..
sem ni saya dah xjoin silat..
jgn tanya sbb saya pon xda jawapannya
tetapi saya sedang belajar benda baru
dan ini juga 1st attempt saya
xtau la buruk ke lawa

masuk sem baru ni juga saya dpt byk barang baru
antaranya ialah....
tq to jiji, amy, n liza n a few other
(sorry guys pic hadiah korang xde)
dpt name tag baru..tahun lepas segan nak pakai ,
tahun ni semat kat white coat x bukak2 dah

my new bf-mr burgundy

and lastly just wanna show this....
for those yang xtau,
 ni lah bunga yg digunakan utk membuat nasi kerabu menjadi warna biru
cool kan... 

sampai di sini sahaja laporan saya..
nak post entry ni pon makan masa yg lama maklumlah ternet xmemberi sokongan yg padu
so USM sila upgrade wifi kat sni ye...huhuhu


Thursday, September 29, 2011

EDCOUSTIC datang lagi.....

pada tahun lepas, ak hanya sebagai penonton konsert mereka sahaja...
namun semuanya berubah setelah kakiku melangkah ke 2nd year....
kali ini ak jadi ajk publisiti okk...klas ko jah...hahaha

tugas ak senang jeeeeeeee......1st kene post surat....bukan 1 bukan 2 tetapi hampir 40 keping...harap maklum....2nd kene tampal poster kecik2 kat pintu.....setel dah....cuma ak dipertanggungjawabkan untuk memegang dan menjual tiket bagi desa murni....what a big responsibility....dah lame ak xwat keje yg mencabar sebegini...yg leh wat ak pening,stress,rase nak marah, dan macam2 lg lah.....

but at the end of the day,almost full house kot DU....Alhamdulillah....ramai yg dtg...hasil usaha ak dan rakan2 ak wat promosi dan publisiti.....not to forget Imam Muda Hizbur pon dtg...dy bg tazkirah pasal persaudaraan n sedekah...a few thing i learn today is that giving salam is very important as it also can strengthen our ukhwah and i should be more generous and not greedy when it come to him said 'biar sampai tgn kiri xtau tgn kanan bagi berapa' shows that we should give what we have w/o any second thought....ak tgh dalam usaha untuk menjadi lebih suka menghulur.....harap2 ak xlah sekedekut seorg bakhil....nauzubillah.....

as for edcoustic,they're the best......hahaha....last year i really enjoy the consert....but today,so so laa....sbb xdpt nak konsentrate...ajk la katakan...kene g luar dewan tgk bahagian pendaftaran.....masuk dewan lambat....but the most important thing, i like Gie,the way he smile while plucking the guitar...hahahaso sweettttt.....duhhhh.....sorry gedik ckit....

cume sayangnye gambar dgn edcoustic ade kat kak ummi...bile2 free ak try upload pic best best....

okla that it
gud nite uols....

Saturday, August 27, 2011

2 days before raya...what do i do??

halo halo halo semua...
tuptup dah nak dekat raya ye...pose penuh x?huhuhuhu...soklan sensitip ni..
ex-clasmate ak (laki ye) suka la tanye soklan ni "patin, pose penuh x?hehehe"....tak boleh blah betul...tau2 la pompuan kan slalu dapat ABC (Allah Bagi Cuti).....ak pon ngokngek jela jwb...pfft

anyway...hariini ktorg satu family blk kg...

first, beli biskut...ak n akak buat je biskut tp mak ayh ak cm xpuas ati je dgn hasil tgn kami...sbb ape, xberjenis...semua cornflake...hahahaa....just tukar topping je...coklat, madu n kacang....yg lainnye just mazola n kuih gunting....sungguhla ni je yg mampu n cepat siap...^^

then, g umah kak Jun tgk atuk...masuk2 umh,nak salam atuk,dy nangis..emo seh...lame xtgk atuk...ade improvement ckit...atuk dah byk makan...skali 3 biji lemang dy makan...amik ko...

after 2-3 g Melekai...mak ai...byknye sampah...ponek la nak nyapu ni....
dalam umah,luar umah same je...siap jumpe kala jengking 2-3 ekor lagi...sebulan xblk la....
pas tukar, shot terus kuar sapu dedaun yg berguguran jatuh....di bawah panas mentari,ktorg menyapu...wahhh...panas wey....berpoloh den ..

lepas abih kemas ,semua selepet bertempek kat meja makan...xlarat..dehydration lagi...nasib xpengsan je

petang...balik ...ayah nak sgt bkk pose kat satu kedai ni...beria mention kedai 2...last2 smp,dah penuh...mase 2 dah kul 6.45....last2 ktorg makan mamak saja....disebabkan takut xsempat,semua order sama je.NASI GORENG ye puan-puan...sob3...thank Allah nasi 2 boleh tahan...

then...balik umah...mandi....stim muka...pakai scrub black head n bukak fb....the END...

what a day...penat-penat....

sbelum terlambat,
sye igin mengucapkan selamat hari raye maaf zahir dan batin semua :)
harap2 taun ni dpt duit raye lgi...(xsedar diri dah tua..eh2 silap sedikit berumur ^-^)
